A full proposal now available. A little closer now...
Requests to change Playing Regulations are filed as follows:
There is also a long Report from a Special Committee of Inquiry into the events which took place in the C3 Final played 18-19 March 2017 between Park Ridge and Souths Juniors.
- To clear up the difference between '12th man'/substitute and replacement players.
- To emphasize the requirement that the Team Lists may not be altered after the toss.
- To clean up the confusing use of words such as 'subs' on the Team List forms.
7. THE
7. THE
Preamble: The Team List is a very important part of a competitive
cricket match. Both Team Captains are responsible for ensuring that the Team
List is completed with all replacements correctly and fully named before the
match begins. The Team List must not be altered after the toss. Teams risk
loss of points or disqualification for failing to comply with this
sets the tone for the rule and clears up some things which the Committee of
Inquiry called confusing. Also it explains the importance of the regulation.
7.1 The
Team List means a written list of all players selected to play in the match.
7.1 The
Team list means a written list of all players eligible
to bat and bowl in the match showing all
replaced and replacement players.
suggested by articles 76 and 77 of the Committee of Inquiry report. How the
team list is defined.
specifies that a completed Team List includes all Day One Replaced and Day
Two Replacement Players.
7.2 A Team List will be completed for each match.
7.2 A
Team List will be completed for each team for all matches.
team and all matches” added for explicit emphasis.
7.7 The Team Lists will be entered in the match
7.3 The Team Lists will be entered in the match
Promoted from lower down. |
Captains from each team will exchange Team Lists before the toss.
7.4 Captains from each team will exchange completed Team Lists before the toss.
word 'completed' added for emphasis.
When an Umpire is in attendance, the Umpire's Team List will also be
completed before the toss.
7.5 When an Umpire is in attendance, the Team List
will be given to the umpires also.
has changed due to the unified redesign of the Team list form
7.5 The
Umpire's Team List will be kept by the umpire.
7.6 The Umpire's Team List will be kept by the umpire.
7.6 The
Team Lists will not be altered after the toss.
7.7 The Team Lists will not be altered after the toss.
7.8 The Team Lists and any Umpire Team List will
be referred in any dispute which may arise.
7.8 The
Team List will be referred in any dispute which may arise.
due to unified team list design.
7.9 An
example of the team list to be provided by Captains.
7.9 An example
of the team list.
Edited due
to unified team list design.
See | |
7.10 An
example of the Umpire's Team List
7.10 Nil
This is
made redundant due to the unified redesign of the Team list form
Preamble to 7.11 Note that Substitute Fielders are defined in Law 24
(2017 edition) and should not be confused with Replacement Players.
emphasizes the difference between substitutes and replacements. See articles
49 to 56 of the Committee of Inquiry Report.
7.11 For two day matches the Team List will
include up to three Day One Replaced players and Day Two Replacement players.
7.11 For two day matches the Team List will
include up to three Day One Replaced players and Day Two Replacement players.
7.11.1 All Day One replaced players must be named
in the Team List.
7.11.1 All Day One replaced players must be named
in the Team List.
7.11.2 All Day Two Replacement players must be
named in the Team List.
7.11.2 All Day Two Replacement players must be
named in the Team List.
7.11.3 The Day One Replaced players will only bat
or bowl on day one of the match.
7.11.3 The Day One Replaced players will only bat
or bowl on day one of the match.
7.11.4 The Day Two Replacement players will only
bat or bowl on day two of the match.
7.11.4 The Day Two Replacement players will only
bat or bowl on day two of the match.
7.11.5 If the Day One Replaced player is out then
the Day Two Replacement player is out in any continuing innings.
7.11.5 If the Day One Replaced player is out then
the Day Two Replacement player is out in any continuing innings.
7.11.6 If the Day One Replaced player has bowled
or is bowling in a continuing innings then the Day Two Replacement player can
continue bowling.
7.11.6 If the Day One Replaced player has bowled
or is bowling in a continuing innings then the Day Two Replacement player can
continue bowling.
7.11.7 A Day Two Replacement player may continue
batting or bowling in any unfinished innings or keep wickets and field as if
named in the initial 11 players.
7.11.7 A Day Two Replacement player may continue
batting or bowling in any unfinished innings or keep wickets and field as if
named in the initial 11 players.
7.11.10 The Day Two Replacement player(s) must be
from the same or a lower grade team.
7.11.8 The Day Two Replacement player(s) must be from the
same or a lower grade team.
No other
7.11.11 The Day Two Replacement player(s) must not
be from a higher grade team unless written approval is given by the
Management Committee.
7.11.9 The Day Two Replacement player(s) must not be from
a higher grade team unless written approval is given by the Management
No other
7.11.12 The Day Two Replacement
player(s) will not participate in two matches in the same round.
7.11.10 The Day Two Replacement player(s) will not
participate in two matches in the same round.
No other
7.11.13 No more than 11 players may play on each
day of a two day match.
7.11.11 No more than 11 players may play on each day of a
two day match.
No other
7.11.14 This rule may be exercised in PLAY OFF
MATCHES and PREMIERSHIP MATCHES, or matches against non-Sub District teams.
7.11.12 This rule may be exercised in PLAY OFF MATCHES
and PREMIERSHIP MATCHES, or matches against non-Sub District teams.
No other
7.11.15 There will be no changes to Day One
Replaced players or Day Two Replacement players following the toss.
7.11.13 There will be no changes to Day One Replaced
players or Day Two Replacement players following the toss.
No other
There is no requirement to name the 12th man on the team list.
7.11.14 The Team List does not
require the listing of substitute fielders.
Moved down.
removes all doubt about the naming of substitutes as suggested by Committee
of Inquiry Report article 91b.
A non-batting and non-bowling 12th man replacement is unaffected by this.
7.11.15 Substitute fielders (such as a
'12th man' who may not bat or bowl) is not
affected by regulation 7.
Moved down.
the error referring to '12th man replacement'. This is suggested by article
55 and 56 of the Committee of Inquiry Report. Changes 'this regulation' to
'regulation 7'.
7.11.14 Substitute
Fielders (such as a 12th man who may not bat or bowl) will not be entered on
the team list.
Alternative to
replace both 7.11.14 and 7.11.15
direct, brief and to the point.
7.12 and 7.13
7.12 and 7.13
Despite the simplification of the Team List regulations in 2016's Plain English Update the Team List remains the source of great trouble.
The problem is not new. In the 2015/16 review I recall writing about how this issue seemed perennially confounding.
I have to acknowledge the disappointing outcome of the 2017 C3 Final.
- No umpires’ Team List was completed.
- A team was fined for incorrectly listing three ‘replacement’ players on their Team List.
- One of these players seemed to be listed as a day one replaced player but went ahead and batted on day 2 of the match.
After an extraordinary amount of investigation it was determined that there was misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what the C3 Final Team List meant and potentially some of this was due to unclear regulations.
The view might be taken that the season premiership might have turned on a mere mistake in a form.
On the other hand if the teams had filled out a simple form correctly then they may have avoided any problems entirely.
What did happen may have been due to ignorance, misunderstanding, confusion or deliberate mischief on the part of one team or the other. That is not known.
The solitary aim of the proposed changes is to make the intent of this regulation abundantly clear.
The Team Lists are to be completed with batting/bowling players and all replacements named and not to be altered after the toss of the coin.
The issue of whether players are generally in favour of this regulation is not addressed by this discussion. That can be addressed as a separate issue if desired.
Some History
In the distant past there were no replacements allowed. The rules in every cricket competition were that you named 11 players and that was that. If one didn't turn up week 2 or got injured then that was too bad.
Then the Grade competition allowed a replacement rule which was to cater for first class players returning to grade cricket after interstate duties. Gradually this filtered down to Subbies and other suburban cricket competitions to allow replacements of some players from week to week. Grade and Subbies cricket presently allow the nomination of up to 3 'slashed' players between week 1 and week 2.
Some other competitions have either relaxed their rules about replacement or the enforcement of them significantly.
They may also be quite relaxed about tactical replacements (i.e. if a side must resume batting week 2 to score a few more to win then "late" replacements will be batters rather than bowlers.)
The QSDCA management committee currently views this as unsporting because casual replacements might allow this to happen.
Replacement players and those players they replace should be selected before the match starts and not be changed after the match has begun.
There is a very good argument for allowing casual day 2 replacements to deal with players whose plans change from week to week for reasons such as work commitments, illness or family bereavement. But that remains unresolved and is not under consideration at this time.
Interestingly a raft of proposals to correct some unclear items were already proposed prior to the aforementioned 2017 C3 Final.
But in view of the serious intent of the Independent Committee of Enquiry and the report which was produced I have made several careful proposals referenced to specific articles in that report.
The comments in the proposal table explain each proposed change.
- The reordering of the 7.1 through 7.11 rules may help make some ideas clearer.
- Adding the preamble to 7.1 and 7.11 serves to set the tone and explain the intent of the regulation.
- That leaves the actual Team List forms themselves.....
Importantly the Team List form is now unified. Previously there was two different forms.
The new style form is used whether an umpire is present at the match or not.
It is proposed to use a 3 part carbon copy book of forms which provides a copy for each of the two captains and the umpire.
Latest update (ver 5) is here
This has some fine tuning.
Here's the latest version with some example data.
Click here to see closer
The new form:
- has a fresh layout design
- uses the word "Replacement" consistently
- has easy to follow yet comprehensive instructions
- there is an added warning about loss of points or disqualification
- space for writing the age of young players. This is important for helmets and bowling injury prevention (see Appendixes K and E)
An unresolved issue is the official submission of Team Lists. Presently they are retained by umpires and called for in cases of dispute. This scheme seems to be less than watertight for two reasons. First in case of any match without an official umpire and second in cases where official umpires either don't gather the Team List or misplace it subsequently.
Short of electronic submission of Team List data live to MyCricket, say, before the match begins (which would require a scheme with mobile computers and network access and the skills to use it effectively) this will remain unresolved.
But if we had electronic scorepads with mobile network access....
ABM (small changes 26-Jul-2017)
(Major revision 14-Jul-2017)
(Major revision 14-Jul-2017)
(Original version 26-Apr-2017)
p.s. New version Law
1.2 (2017 ed)
1.2 Nomination and replacement of players
Each captain shall nominate his/her players in writing to one of the umpires before the toss. No player may be replaced after the nomination without the consent of the opposing captain.
p.p.s. Thanks to Adam Brady and Jim Noble for their input on this issue.
Also Bruce Lawson and the Committee of Inquiry into the 2017 C3 Final
(at this point in time, they know who they are and that is enough!!!)
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Hi Anthony, I suggest that 7.11.14 reads Substitute Fielders (e.g. a 12th man) who may not bat or bowl are NOT to be entered on the team list.
ReplyDeleteI think that in order to be crystal clear and avoid any future confusion that we use the references “Replacement Players” and “Substitute Fielders” throughout instead of Replacement Players and Substitute Players. It helps to highlight that Replacement players can play and substitute fielders can only field. Note that “substitute players” is currently used in the preamble to 7.11, “substitutes” used in 7.11.14 and “substitute fielder” used in 7.11.15 which are referring to the same thing. I think we need to stay consistent and use the same terminology / reference throughout.
ReplyDelete7.11.14 and 7.11.15 could be dropped and replaced by a more direct rule.
ReplyDeletee.g. 7.11.14 Substitute fielders (such as a '12th man' who may not bat or bowl) will not be added to the Team List.
( ABM as suggested to me in conversation with James Stedman 17-07-2017)